We will share anonymized survey data with our advisors to help with related research and publication. This information will be used solely for research purposes. The survey will take 5 minutes to complete.
Q1.If you agree to the above terms, please consent here before filling out the survey:
Q3.Gender you identify with
Q4.If you are neurodiverse, what is your neurodiversity:
Q5.What sensory inputs are you hyper-sensitive or highly sensitive to and tend to be easily overwhelmed by too much of? Select all that apply.
Q6.What sensory inputs are you hypo-sensitive to and/or tend to need more of than others?  Select all that apply.
Q7.Are you hyper-sensitive or highly sensitive to touch or tactile experiences?
Q8.Are you hypo-sensitive to and/or tend to need more tactile experiences?
Q9.On a scale of 1-10 (1 being least and 10 being the most), which design strategies are most effective for you:
a.Spaces that have hands-on tactile elements.
b.Spaces that have less texture or tactile elements.
c.Spaces that use color strategically to help with orientation and wayfinding.
d.Spaces that use less color and are more neutral.
e.Having visual prompts to help navigate the space.
f.Elements that have a secure grip.
g.Addressing flexibility by providing elements that can be updated or changed.
Q10.Are there any specific things or elements you find challenging in work environments? (Check all that apply)
Q11.On a scale of 1-10 (1 being least and 10 being the most), how important is addressing environmental sustainability and responsible material sourcing?
Q12.Which tactile experience do you prefer?